Thomas Hedges III, M.D.

Dr. Hedges is available for appointments in Boston.


Dr. Hedges is an expert in the diagnosis and management of diseases affecting the optic nerve and intracranial visual pathways, as well as disorders of ocular motility. He is available for consultation in any suspected or diagnosed case of neurological disease with ocular involvement.

As co-director of the Electrophysiology Laboratory, Dr. Hedges sees patients with occult macular disease as well. Dr. Hedges also provides botulinum toxin injections for patients with blepharospasm and hemifacial spasm.

Research Interests

  • Qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the retina and optic nerve using photographic methods and computerized image enhancement.
  • Hereditary optic atrophy, diagnosis, and management.

Dr. Hedges has participated in several multi-center trials and the National Institutes of Health review committees.


Ophthalmic Pathology, Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary

Neuro-Ophthalmology, University of California, San Francisco


Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary

Medical School

Tufts University School of Medicine

Academic Appointment

Professor of Ophthalmology and Neurology, Tufts University School of Medicine

Board Certification

American Board of Ophthalmology

Professional Honors and Awards

1988 – Honor Award, American Academy of Ophthalmology
1989 – Alpha Omega Alpha, Tufts University School of Medicine
1992 – Resident Award for Teaching Excellence, New England Eye Center, TUSM
1995 – Resident Award for Teaching Excellence, New England Eye Center, TUSM
2000 – Resident Award for Teaching Excellence, New England Eye Center, TUSM
2000 – Senior Honor Award, American Academy of Ophthalmology
2007 – Alice Stokes Paul 1901 Moorestown Friends School Alumni Assoc. Merit Award
2010 – Outstanding Tufts University School of Medicine Lecturer for 2009-2010
2014 – Resident Award for Teaching Excellence, New England Eye Center, TUSM
2012-2016 – “Top Doctor”, Boston Magazine

Academic Affiliations/Memberships

American Academy of Ophthalmology

Frank Walsh Neuro-ophthalmology Society

International Neuro-ophthalmology Society

Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary Alumni Association

The Society of Heed Fellows

Massachusetts Society of Eye Physicians and Surgeons

New England Ophthalmological Society

The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology

International Eye Foundation

North American Neuro-ophthalmology Society

Pan American Association of Ophthalmology

Sociedad Cubana de Oftalmolgia, Miembro Correspondiente

Tufts Eye Alumni Association, founding member

Foreign languages spoken


Selected Publications

Peer-Reviewed Articles

Hedges TR III, Jones A, Stark L, and Hoyt WF. Botulin ophthalmoplegia -clinical and oculographic observations. Arch Ophthalmol 1983;101: 211-213.

Hedges TR III, Gieger GL, and Albert DM. The clinical value of negative temporal artery biopsy specimens. Arch Ophthalmol 1982;101:1251-1254.

Hedges TR III, Schoene WC, Albert DM. A 40 year-old man with rapidly progressive blindness and multiple cranial nerve defects. Case Records of the Massachusetts General Hospital, Case 14-1988. New England Journal of Medicine 1988;318:903-913.

Hedges TR III, Sokol S, and Tucker K. Optic and peripheral neuropathy in Cuba. JAMA

Hedges, TR III, Legge RH, Peli E, Yardley CJ. Retinal nerve fiber layer changes and visual field
loss in idiopathic intracranial hypertension. Ophthal 1995;102:1242-1247.

Hedges TR III, Perez-Galves R, Speigelman D, Barbas NR, Peli E, Yardley CJ. Retinal nerve fiber
layer abnormalities in Alzheimer’s disease. Acta Ophthalmologica, 1996;74:271-275.

Hedges TR III, Hirano M, Tucker K, Carballero B. Epidemic optic and peripheral neuropathy in
Cuba: a unique geopolitical public health problem. Survey Ophthalmol 1997; 41:71-83.

Mojon DS, Hedges TR, Ehrenberg B, Karam EZ, Goldblum D, Abu-Chebl A, Gugger M, Mathis J. Association between sleep apnea syndrome and nonarteritic ischemic optic neuropathy. Arch Ophthalmol. 2002;120:601-605.

Hedges TR, Flattem NL, Bagga A. Vitreopapillary traction confirmed by optical coherence tomography. Arch Ophthalmol 2006:124; 279-281.

Hedges TR, Vuong, LN, Gonzalez-Garcia AO, Mendoza-Santiesteban CE, Amaro-Quiereza AL. Subretinal fluid from anterior ischemic optic neuropathy demonstrated by optical coherence tomography. Arch Ophthalmol 2008;126:812-815.


Books and Chapters:

Hedges TR III, Consultation in Ophthalmology. B.C. Decker Inc., Toronto; 1987.

Hedges TR III, Retrochiasmal Disorders, in Principles and Practice of Ophthalmology, Albert DM, Jakobiec FA, Eds, W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, PA 1994 and 1999.

Hedges TR III, Optical Coherence Tomography in Neuro-Ophthalmology, in Optical CoherenceTomography of Ocular Diseases, Schuman JR, Puliafito CA, Fujimoto JG et al Slack, Thorofare NJ, 2004

Hedges TR III, Tumors of Neuroectodermal Origin, in Walsh and Hoyt’s Clinical Neuro-ophthalmology, edited by Miller NR, et al., Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, MD, 2005.

Personal Interests

Dr. Hedges is a sailing enthusiast, including cruising and racing his Sabre 36 in Buzzards Bay.

Contact Information

Dr. Hedges’ Office: 617-636-5488

Fax: 617-636-7029

Patient Appointments: 617-636-5488

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