Oculoplastic surgery is one of the more common types of cosmetic surgery. One of the reasons for this is a procedure called blepharoplasty.
There are many reasons why someone may want to have blepharoplasty. If you wish you could look younger, more refreshed, or struggle with saggy eyelids, a blepharoplasty may be worth considering!
While it’s not for everyone, there are several reasons to think about it. Keep reading to learn more about blepharoplasty!
What is Blepharoplasty?

Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure that repairs droopy eyelids by removing excess skin, muscle, and fat around the eyes. You can have the procedure performed on either the upper eyelid, lower eyelid, or both.
While primarily a cosmetic surgery, blepharoplasty can have other health benefits, both physical and mental. In particular, blepharoplasty can be helpful if your saggy eyelids make it hard or impossible to see.
Reasons to Consider Having Eyelid Surgery
Reducing the appearance of saggy eyelids can improve your appearance or, more importantly, your self-perception. Some people who seek blepharoplasty feel like their baggy eyelids make them look older or more tired than they are.
Reducing them can make you not only appear younger, but it can make you feel younger and more confident. Drooping eyelids, especially drooping upper eyelids, can also restrict your field of vision.

Fixing them can improve your peripheral vision while also rejuvenating your appearance. You don’t need to struggle to see to have a blepharoplasty.
There are plenty of people that decide to have blepharoplasty for only cosmetic reasons. Choosing to have a blepharoplasty to improve the way you look and feel is a valid reason to have this procedure.
If you are having a blepharoplasty due to vision problems, you can file an insurance claim. You may be able to receive help paying for your procedure, meaning you will not have to pay for it entirely out of pocket.
It’s important to realize that if you are getting blepharoplasty to change how you look, this is not something that insurance will cover.
How Blepharoplasty Works
Before you can have blepharoplasty, you’ll need a consultation with one of New England Eye Center’s oculoplastic specialists.
All of our specialists are board-certified through the American Board of Ophthalmology and the American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (ASOPRS). When you’re a patient of New England Eye Center, you get the best of both worlds.
Our oculoplastic specialists have extensive expertise, and you’ll feel right at home in our state-of-the-art medical center. During your consultation, your doctor will ask about your reasons for wanting to have a blepharoplasty.
They’ll also need to know your complete medical history. After going over your medical history, your doctor will complete a comprehensive physical exam and a visual exam.
This ensures that there aren’t any issues that could affect the healing process after your procedure. Testing your vision also helps you file an insurance claim for surgery.
If blepharoplasty is medically necessary to repair your peripheral vision, insurance may pay for a portion of your procedure. After performing the exams, if your doctor determines you don’t have any issues preventing a safe operation, they’ll take extensive photos of your eyelids.
These will help your doctor prepare and plan out what they’ll do during surgery. You can also use the photos of your eyelids in support of your insurance claim.
Before surgery, your doctor will give you specific instructions about how to prepare. This will include a list of what medications you should and shouldn’t take.
Follow All Instructions From Your Doctor
All you need to do is follow their instructions and make sure you have someone to drive you to and from surgery. Blepharoplasty is usually an outpatient procedure, meaning you can go home the same day.
It’s important to know you won’t be able to drive yourself home after blepharoplasty. Ensure you have a friend or family member who you trust who can drive you home and get you safely inside.
When you have blepharoplasty, it doesn’t usually involve using general anesthesia. In most instances, you won’t have general anesthesia unless you’re having another facial procedure performed simultaneously.
Your doctor will numb your eyelids and the surrounding area and deliver a sedative through an IV to keep you relaxed during the procedure. They then work on the upper lid, if you’re having both worked on, cutting into the creases to prevent noticeable scarring.
Once they’ve removed any tissue that’s under the skin, the incision is closed. They will then do the same but on your lower eyelid.
After your blepharoplasty, there will be some minor discomfort, but you’ll be able to go home the same day, as long as you haven’t had any other facial procedures. Your doctor will give you care instructions that will tell you what kind of pain meds you can take and how often you should ice your eyes.
Risks and Expectations
As with any surgery, however minor, there are risks involved in blepharoplasty. These risks can be minimized by following your doctor’s instructions before and after surgery, but there is never a 100% guarantee that there won’t be any complications.
Talk with your doctor about the risks and how likely they are before you decide to have surgery. It’s critical to understand any risks and possible complications before deciding to have a procedure like a blepharoplasty.
You should also talk to your doctor about your expectations. They can tell you just how much having the procedure will likely do to reduce your sagging eyelids. They can also tell you what’s involved in recovering after the surgery.

Like with most eye surgeries, your eyes will be sensitive for a time after. There’s also usually bruising, giving the appearance of a black eye.
This is all temporary, of course, but it’s still good to know what to expect after surgery.
After you’ve healed and any swelling and bruising have been minimized, most patients are pleased with the results, enhancing their vision and appearance. If you have the right expectations going in and are a good candidate for surgery, blepharoplasty could be right for you.
Tired of looking older than you are? It may be time to learn more about blepharoplasty!
Schedule an appointment at New England Eye Center in Boston, MA, today!