July 2024

Dear Alumni, Faculty, and Friends,

In this issue, we bid farewell to our graduating residents and fellows, as well as Cynthia D’Auria OD, who is retiring after 39 years at NEEC. We also feature several of our faculty and trainees presenting at the NANOS and the Vit-Buckle Society, and share pictures from the NEEC alumni event at ASCRS. We would love to hear from our alumni with any of your own updates or suggestions for future newsletter features. Please keep in touch at [email protected].


Astrid Werner, MD, and Laurel Vuong, MD

Note from the Chairman: Reza Vagefi, M.D.

Greetings from the New England Eye Center.

Dear Alumni, Faculty, and Friends,

Spring has been a celebration of research at NEEC as we have been showcasing our science both on a local and national level. This began with ARVO in Seattle where the department offered a combination of 46 poster and paper presentations! Later in the month, we held our inaugural Ophthalmology Scholars’ Research Day when residents, fellows, and post-doctoral students participated in a symposium featuring their research over the past year. To close out May, the Vision Science Retreat was held, highlighting science from faculty across our divisions, as well as from the departments of Developmental, Molecular and Chemical Biology, Immunology, Neuroscience, and Quantitative Methods and Data Science. It was a fantastic day of sharing knowledge and fostering collaboration in an effort to advance the visual sciences. 

June was quick to arrive with the celebration of our graduating class of 2024. It was wonderful to applaud our graduates with the presence of Dr. Carol Shields and Dr. Brian DeBroff as our W. Morton Grant and Moshe Lahav lecturers, respectively. We were inspired by their talks as they shared their experiences in academia and their efforts to advance clinical research and surgical innovation in Ophthalmology. And with that – July is here and the new academic year is already upon us. We are excited to hail the arrival of our newest class of residents (PGY1: Alise Aucoin, MD; Kevin Card, MD; Pachely Mendivil Aguayo, MD; and Arjun Sharma, MD) and fellows (Retina: Jonathan T. Caranfa, MD, PharmD and Samantha Paul, MD; Glaucoma: Nishanth Uli, MD). They come to us from across the country where they have already had remarkable achievements and will continue on similar trajectory at NEEC. Please join me in a warm welcome!

With appreciation,

M. Reza Vagefi, MD

Professor and Chair, Department of Ophthalmology

Director, New England Eye Center

Tufts Medical Center I Tufts Medicine 

NEEC Graduation 2024

On June 21, we said goodbye to our graduating residents and fellows at graduation. This has been an incredible group of learners who we have had the privilege of working with, and we are confident that they will go on to great things in the next chapter of their careers!

Residency Class of 2024

Omar Abu-Qamar, MD:

Omar hails from Amman, Jordan where he completed medical school at the University of Jordan. He then completed a masters of Medical Sciences in Clinical Investigations at Harvard and an OCT research fellowship at Tufts before joining us as an Ophthalmology resident. After graduation, Omar will be starting a surgical retina fellowship at Beth Isreal Lahey Health. Omar tells us that he will miss hanging out with his co-residents and fighting them for work stations in our tiny resident room. Good luck Omar!

Jonathan Caranfa, MD:

Jonathan grew up in Connecticut, and attended University of Connecticut School of Medicine before joining NEEC for residency. We won’t have to say goodbye to Jonathan just yet as he will be staying on as a surgical retina fellow at NEEC. Jonathan’s favorite NEEC memories include the annual resident retreat and the camaraderie shared with his co-residents. Good luck Jonathan!

Allison Resnik, MD:

Allison is from Pittsburgh, PA and attended medical school at Georgetown University before joining us for residency at NEEC. Next year, Allison will be joining Ophthalmic Consultants of Boston as a Comprehensive Ophthalmologist serving the South Shore and Cape. Allison tells us that her favorite memories of NEEC are “definitely the incredible staff! It’s like coming to work with my second family every day. From the very start of training, everyone has gone out of their way to create the perfect environment for learning. Their dedication to our well being has made us feel heard and has left a lasting impression”. Good luck Allison!

Angell Shi, MD:

Angell hails from Littleton, MA and attended medical school at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia, PA. Next year, Angell will doing a Pediatric Ophthalmology Fellowship at Boston Children’s Hospital. Angell writes that she will miss “Learning from wonderful mentors in every department and working with so many amazing people (from techs and admins to co-residents and fellows).” Good luck Angell!

Fellowship Class 2024

Will Carrera, MD:

Will is graduating from our 2 year surgical retina fellowship. He grew up in Chicago and attended medical school at Case Western Reserve University prior to completing his Ophthalmology residency at California Pacific Medical Center. Will writes that “I will miss all of the staff at NEEC who have been such a pleasure to work with over the past two years”. Will is joining East Bay Retina Consultants in the Bay Area of California this summer. Good luck Will!

Prashanth Iyer, MD:

Prashanth is graduating from our 2 year surgical retina fellowship. Prior to coming to us at NEEC, Prashanth attended medical school at Jefferson Medical college, following by ophthalmology residency at Drexel, and a medical retina and reserach fellowship at Bascom Palmer. Prashanth writes that his favorite memory at NEEC is “getting bubble tea with the residents and fellows during a busy clinic or call day!”  He will be joining the faculty at Rutgers University Department of Ophthalmology as a Retina Specialist. Good luck Prashanth!

Yi Ling Dai, MD:

Yi Ling is graduating from a combined Neuro-Ophthalmology and Oculoplastics fellowship at NEEC. She originally hails from Suzhou, China and attended medical school at the Oakland University William Beaumont SOM before completing her Ophthalmology residency at NEEC. Yi Ling writes that her favorite NEEC memories include “attending the AAO conference with my residency class but a close second is attending the NANOs conference and hiking with the neuro-ophthalmology team”. Next year, Yi Ling will be joining the

Fraser Eye Center in Detroit, Michigan. Good luck Yi Ling!

Kate Hughes, MD:

Kate is graduating from our Medical Retina fellowship at NEEC. Kate grew up in Denver, CO and attended medical school in Albany, NY before completing her ophthalmology residency at NEEC. Kate writes that she will miss “working will all the wonderful people here, from my awesome co-residents/co-fellows, the incredible attendings, and all the staff. I will really miss everyone!!! So many favorite memories, but my favorite recent fellowship memory: working in Dr. Liang’s clinic with Dr. Stephanie Choi, including eating endless bags of Gushers”. Kate will be staying local and joining Tallman Eye Associates as a Comprehensive Ophthalmologist and medical retina specialist. Good luck Kate!

Uma Jasty, MD:

Uma is graduating from our glaucoma fellowship. She grew up in Detroit, Michigan and went to medical school at Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine in Dayton, Ohio, followed by Ophthalmology residency at Medical College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee. Next year, Uma will be joining the glaucoma faculty at Henry Ford Hospital. Uma write that she will miss all of the camaraderie with her co-fellows at NEEC. Good luck Uma!

Nayasha Madhan, MD:

Nayasha is graduating from the glaucoma fellowship. She grew up in De Moines, Iowa before attending medical school at the University of Iowa, and completing residency at the Ohio State University. Nayasha’s favorite memory from fellow is the fellows’ White Elephant Holiday party where Karim (cornea fellow) left to go see a patient wearing his brand new holiday socks. Nayasha will be staying local and joining Lexington Eye Associates as a glaucoma specialist.

Maria Lopez Vasquez, MD:

Maria has just completed a Cornea fellowship at NEEC.

Originally from El Salvador, Maria attending medical school at Universidad Doctor Jose Matia Delgado prior to completing an Ophthalmology Residency at San Carlos University in Guatemala. She then moved to the US, and completed a second ophthalmology residency at the BronxCare/Mount Sinai program in New York. Maria will be starting at Neilsen Eye Center as a Cornea Specialist in August 2024. Good luck Maria!

Karim Sleiman, MD:

Karim completed a Cornea fellowship at NEEC. He is originally from Beirut, Lebanon, where he completed medical school at the American University of Beirut. He then went on to complete an Internal Medicine Residency at the University of Tennessee, prior to returning to Lebanon to complete an Ophthalmology residency at the American University of Beirut. Karim writes that he will miss the friendly atmosphere and safe learning environment at NEEC. Karim will be joining the faculty at the Lebanese American University as a Cornea Specialist in September, 2024. Good luck Karim!

NEEC Graduation 2024

Graduating Residents Allison Resnik, Angell Shi, Jonathan Caranfa, Omar AbuQamar with Laurel Vuong, Kamden Kopani, and Reza Vagefi

The Moshe Lahav, MD guest lecturer Brian M. DeBroff with Thomas Hedges and Reza Vagefi

The W. Morton Grant, MD guest lecturer Carol L. Shields with Reza Vagefi and Caroline Baumal 

2024 Resident Teach Award recipient Yosbelkys Martin Paez with the graduating residents

2024 Charles Preefer Award recipient Omar AbuQamar with Laurel Vuong 

2024 OKAP Award recipient Jonathan Caranfa with Kamden Kopani 

Click here to see more photos from graduation!

NEEC at the Vit-Buckle Society in Miami

Michelle Liang, MD and Shilpa Desai, MD presented at this April’s Vit Buckle Society Meeting in Miami, Fl. Dr. Liang argued in on the PRO side of vitrectomy alone in a debate regarding the surgical management of retinal detachment (pictured left), and Dr. Desai moderated a lightning round on surgical cases and gave a presentation on the topic of medical litigation. Dr. Desai is pictured below with Carl Regillo MD from Wills Eye Hospital.

NEEC Neuro-Ophthalmology News

The Neuro-ophthalmology team headed to Honolulu, Hawaii in March 2024 for the 50th annual NANOS meeting. 

Dr. Yi Ling Dai (fellow 2023-2024) presented a poster entitled “Always listen your patients, even when studies are normal.” Dr. Daniel Azzam (residency class 2025) presented a poster entitled “Occult transhemispheric craniofacial fibrous dysplasia manifesting as contralateral optic neuropathy.” 

Also, in attendance were Dr. Erin Lanzo (residency class 2023) and Dr. Sarah Thornton (residency class 2020), now both practicing neuro-ophthalmologists!

Top Left: Laurel Vuong MD, Tom Hedges MD, and Yosbelkys Martin Paez MD

Left: Erin Lanzo MD, Sarah Thornton MD, Yi Ling Dai MD and Laurel Vuong MD

PGY 4 Daniel Azzam presenting a case about an unusual case of Fibrous Dysplasia. Pictured with Laurel Vuong MD.

Kevin Sitko MD (Tufts Residency Alumus, and current Program Director at University of New Mexico) with Laurel Vuong MD

Combined Neuro-Ophthalmology and Oculoplastics fellow, Yi Ling Dai MD presenting a poster. Pictured along side Yosbelkys Martin Paez.

Yosbelkys Martin-Paez

was invited to speak on the clinician panel at the New England Patient Day for NMOSD and MOGAD at MGH (pictured left).

The Neuro-Ophthalmology Department recently published a manuscript in the Journal of Neuro-Ophthalmology entitled “Clinical Presentation and Neuro-ophthalmological Features in Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 3: A Case Report and Literature Review”. You can read the article here.

Dr. Cynthia D’Auria Retires

Cynthia D’Auria, OD was honored at this year’s graduation ceremony by Optometry Director, ChiHae Kwan, OD.

Dr. Cynthia D’Auria, OD retired in June after 39 years of service at the New England Eye Center.

Dr D’Auria started at NEEC in 1985, as the first optometrist providing primary eye care and contact lens services, and then served as the Director of the Optometry service. She had an enduring practice providing exceptional and compassionate primary eye care for many of the Tufts Medical physicians and staff and their families, as well as numerous devoted patients for nearly four decades. She helped to grow the optometry department which now provides robust primary eye care in Boston as well as five satellite offices. 

She is looking forward to spending time with her family, cooking, baking her famous “Cynful” cookies, and traveling to Italy. We wish her much happiness and adventure in her retirement! She will be very much missed by her many grateful patients and friends at NEEC. Thank you Dr D’Auria for your care, leadership, and dedication to NEEC!

Dr. D’Auria as pictured in the 1987 staff directory.

Dr. D’Auria (right) at the graduation dinner pictured with Drs. Caroline Baumal, ChiHae Kwan, Mary Hettler, Maria Mercuri, Komel Thakore, Carol Shields (L to R)

NEEC Optometrists (L to R): Komel Thakore, Maria Mercuri, Mary Hettler, Cynthia D’Auria, ChiHae Kwan

NEEC Alumni Event at ASCRS

Kendra Klein, Erica Liu, Andre Witkin, Laurel Vuong, Astrid Werner, and Brad Hanson
Maayan Keshet and Laurel Vuong

The 2024 ASCRS meeting was held in Boston in April.

A fun gathering of former NEEC residents, fellows, and attendings was held during the meeting bringing back familiar faces to reminisce and to meet our new Chairman, Dr. M. Reza Vagefi.

Former residents in attendance included Brad Hansen (also glaucoma fellow), Kendra Klein (also medical retina fellow), Erica Liu, Huan Mills, Laurel Vuong, Astrid Werner, Deborah Witkin, Jarod Santoro (also medical retina fellow) and Andre Witkin. 

Former fellows in attendance included Jonathan Chao (cornea), Lauren Jeng, (cornea), Maayan Keshet (cornea), Brandan Lawson (glaucoma). 

Former attending in attendance included Narae Ko (cornea).

NEEC at ARVO Annual Meeting 2024

The New England Eye Center made a strong showing at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) Annual Meeting held in the first week of May in Seattle, WA. With over 40 combined posters and papers featured, we showcased a diverse body of research being performed at our institution. Learners on both the clinical science and basic science sides were able to present their research. In addition, the department sponsored a table at the ARVO Foundation Gala and at the Women in Eye and Vision Research (WEAVR) Luncheon. It was a great week of science , collaboration, and networking.

The New England Eye Center hosted a table at the annual Women in Eye and Vision Research (WEAVR) Luncheon at ARVO. In attendance were Nathaniel Rowthorn-Apel, Sandra Hunt, Reza Vagefi, Chloe Bogen, Isabela Yang (seated from left to right); and Fabiana Mallone, Sheldon Rowan, Pablo Argueso, and Jennifer Judge(standing from left to right).

Ophthalmology Scholars’ Research Day

Ophthalmology Scholars’ Research Day with Dr. Tiarnán Keenan, MD, PhD
visiting from the National Eye institute as the inaugural guest speaker (center, 1st row).

On May 24, 2024, the New England Eye Center hosted the inaugural Ophthalmology Scholars’ Research Day when our residents, fellows, and post-doctoral fellows presented research from their projects over the past year. A total of 22 talks were given. Of note, Dr. Omar AbuQamar (PGY-4) presentation entitled Association between abnormal retinal perfusion indices by OCTA and myocardial flow reserve by cardiac PET/CT2 (mentor: Dr. Nadia Waheed) received the Charles Preefer Award for best research. On this day, we were fortunate to be joined by Dr. Tiarnán Keenan, MD, PhD from the Division of Epidemiology and Clinical Applications at the National Eye Institute as our visiting lecturer who delivered: Geographic Atrophy in AMD- A Tale of Two Stages (Featuring Phenotype, Genotype, Diet, and Deep Learning). 

Vision Science Retreat 2024

The Tufts Center for Vision Research and the New England Eye Center hosted the Vision Science Retreat on May 31, 2024. Dr. Pablo Argueso as the director of the TCVR organized the day. Presentations featured research and developments from faculty across our subspecialties divided into sessions covering the eye from front to the back. We were also joined by keynote speakers from the Departments of Developmental, Molecular and Chemical Biology, Immunology, Neuroscience, and Quantitative Methods and Data Science. Speaker panels allowed the audience to interact with participants, stimulating areas of thought and potential collaboration. It was a superb day that ended with a social and poster session. 

Dr. Rafael Martinez-Carrasco (podium) moderates the Anterior Segment Session at the Vision Science Retreat with Drs. Pedram Hamrah, Pablo Argueso, Fangfang Qiu, Mike Goldstein (from left to right), and Dr. Charlotte Kuperwasser (virtual) joining the panel.

Donate to the Ophthalmology Teaching Fund!

The Ophthalmology training program at NEEC is exceptional because we support our residents every step of the way. We embrace the challenge of improving education, but many initiatives require funding. Your help is vital in maintaining and elevating the strong reputation of NEEC Alumni. Please click here to support out trainees by donating to our Ophthalmology Teaching Fund. 

Thank you to our contributing editors:

  • Thomas Hedges, MD – From the Archives at NEEC
  • Andre Witkin, MD – Research Spotlight
  • Sylvia Yoo, MD – Departmental Spotlight
  • Astrid Werner, MD – Editor
  • Laurel Vuong, MD – Editor
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