Graduating Glaucoma Fellows, Uma Jasti and Nayasha Madhan with Dru Krishnan, Susan Liang, Astrid Werner, and Tom Hsu
Graduating Surgical Retina Fellows Will Carrera and Prashanth Iyer with Andre Witkin, Caroline Baumal, Michelle Liang, Peter Zhao, Shilpa Desai, Jay Duker, and Chirag Shah
Graduating Medical Retina Fellow Kate Hughes with Andre Witkin, Caroline Baumal (holding Jamie Hughes), Michelle Liang, Shilpa Desai, Jay Duker, and Peter Zhao
Graduating Oculoplastics/Neuro-ophthalmology Fellow Yi Ling Dai with Susan Tucker, Laurel Vuong, Katrinka Heher, Yosbelkys Martin Paez, Thomas Hedges, and Reza Vagefi
Graduating Orthoptic Students John Michael Rivera and Jenny Mai with Shelley Klein, Catherine Choi and Sylvia Yoo
Graduating Cornea Fellows Karim Sleiman and Maria Lopez Vasquez with Naveen Rao, Azin Abazari, and Kamden Kopani
Retina and OCT research volunteer Stephanie Kaiser with Andre Witkin
The W. Morton Grant, MD guest lecturer Carol L. Shields gifting the residency books to Kamden Kopani and Laurel Vuong
Chi Hae Kwan presenting Cynthia D’Auria with a plaque honoring her at retirement
Elizabeth Cook being recognized by the graduating residents for her work as Program Coordinator
Current Residents