July 2023
Dear Alumni, Faculty, and Friends,
We hope you enjoy this issue of the NEEC newsletter! In this issue, we bid farewell to our graduating residents and fellows. Our trainees are always outstanding individuals and doctors, and this year’s class was no exception. Further, we catch up with some of the “extracurricular activities” of our faculty and residents. We follow NEEC members to AAO’s midyear forum in Washington, DC, the Atlantic Coast Retina Club meeting, and to El Salvador on a mission trip.
We would love to hear from our alumni with any of your own updates or suggestions for future newsletter features. Please keep in touch at NEECalumni@tuftsmedicalcenter.org.
Astrid Werner, MD, and Laurel Vuong, MD
Note from the Chairman: Reza Vagefi, M.D.
Greetings from the New England Eye Center.
First and foremost, thank you for the warm welcome. It has been a pleasure meeting so many of you and learning about your professional journey and aspirations for our department. It is an exciting time at NEEC! We have a passionate group of physicians who are dedicated to excellence in patient care and education. The enthusiasm that has been shared is wonderful. This time of the year is one of celebration as we acknowledge the accomplishments of our soon-to-be graduates. There is much to be impressed of our Residency Class of 2023. These are the amazing residents who endured the brunt of training during the pandemic and all the challenges that this posed. We are proud of them and excited that they will all be pursuing fellowships between Tufts, Wills Eye Hospital, and Weill Cornell/New York Presbyterian Hospital. In addition, we have seven fellows completing their training who are moving on to various opportunities extending from California to Maine. We also have seven individuals completing post-doctoral research programs as well as a graduating orthoptist. Let’s be sure to congratulate all of them on their much-deserved achievement! With their departure, we welcome a new group of learners. It should be acknowledged that it is because of our NEEC community of educators that we are able to provide an exceptional experience in the training of tomorrow’s ophthalmologists. A special thanks is deserved to our Residency Program Director, Kam Kopani, MD, and Associate Director, Laurel Vuong, MD, for their dedication to our residency program, as well as to all of our Fellowship Directors: Caroline Baumal, Dru Krishnan, Michael Raizman, Melina Morkin, and Andre Witkin and their OCB counterparts, Ambika Houget, and Chirag Shah.
Wishing you all a happy and safe summer,
M. Reza Vagefi, MD
Professor and Chair, Department of Ophthalmology
Director, New England Eye Center
Tufts Medical Center I Tufts Medicine

M. Reza Vagefi, MD
Professor and Chair
Department of Ophthalmology
Tufts University School of Medicine

On a sunny first day of June in Boston, Dr. Vagefi held his first “Chief’s Rounds” (a tradition started by former Chairman Jay Duker MD) with our residents and Program Director Kamden Kopani MD and Assistant Program Direction Laurel Vuong MD.
NEEC Celebrates “World Orthoptist Day”
June 5th, 2023 was “World Orthoptist Day” sponsored by the International Orthoptic Association.
NEEC Orthoptists Shelley Klein and Veronica Ton (pictured here with Orthoptics Student Peyton Hundley) created a humorous image highlighting the challenges of treating Amblyopia as part of the IOA’s effort to raise awareness of the field of Orthoptics worldwide.

NEEC at the Atlantic Coast Retina Club 2023

Andre Witkin, MD, co-director of the Tufts Retina Service, served as a course director at this year’s meeting held at the Mass Eye and Ear Infirmary and the Seaport Hotel. The meeting featured presentations and panel discussions on topics including advances in vitreoretinal surgery, innovation in retinal vascular disease, and the future of treatments for age-related macular degeneration.
Tufts PGY3 resident Omar Abu-Qamar, MD, MSc was recognized as giving one of the top 10 presentations by a trainee during the meeting for his case of KIFF11 mutation-associated chorioretinopathy. Congratulations Omar!

NEEC at the Mid-Year Forum in Washington, DC
Sylvia Yoo, MD (Tufts Pediatric Ophthalmology), Sarwat Salim MD (Tufts Glaucoma), and PGY3 Residents Allison Resnik, MD and Angell Shi, MD represented Massachusetts at this year’s AAO mid-year Forum in Washington DC.
Here’s what Angell and Allison had to say about their experience:
“At the Mid-Year Forum, we had the opportunity to participate in Congressional Advocacy Day – a day where we meet with staff members for many of our state congressional leaders to ask for their support on issues that are critically important to our field. This year, we focused on topics such as ensuring safe ophthalmic care for our veterans in the VA system, addressing declining Medicare reimbursements, funding for the NIH and NEI, and reducing prior authorization burdens.
As part of the Advocacy Ambassador Program, we participated in many interactive breakout sessions and engaged in discussions that helped expand our understanding of current challenges and breakthroughs in ophthalmology. The sessions allowed us to connect with peers in other programs as well as leaders in the field, exchange ideas, and share our own personal stories.
Our experiences at the Mid-Year Forum offered a wealth of knowledge into many of the external factors that impact how the care we provide for our patients is given. It deepened our understanding of our field’s challenges and empowered us to continue advocating for positive change throughout our careers.”

Sylvia Yoo MD joins several NEEC Alumni on a Mission trip to Santa Ana, El Salvador Jan 27-Feb 4 2023
Also in attendance were Tufts residency alumni Jim Umlas MD, O’ine McCabe MD, and Linda Brenner Semela, MD. This represents Dr. Umlas’ 25th consecutive year volunteering on this mission trip!

Farewell to Our Graduating Residents 2023

Yi Ling Dai, MD

Teresa Horan, MD

Kate Hughes, MD

Erin Lanzo, MD
Some Favorite Residency Memories captured in photos…

Farewell to Our Graduating Fellows:

Yingna "Snowy" Liu, MD
Vitreoretinal Disease & Surgery Fellowship

Tavish Nanda, MD
Vitreoretinal Disease & Surgery Fellowship

Nisarg Chhaya, MD
Cornea, External Diseases & Anterior Segment Fellowship

Jonathan Chao, MD
Cornea, External Diseases & Anterior Segment Fellowship

Brendan M. Lawson, DO
Glaucoma Fellowship

Aseef Ahmed, DO
Glaucoma Fellowship

Jason Szelog, MD
Medical Retina Fellowship
NEEC Graduation 2023

Graduation began with research presentations by our graduating residents and fellows, followed by two excellent talks by our keynote speakers. First, Dr. Jay Duker gave the Moshe Lahav Lecture entitled “Lessons Learned, Lessons Applied”, and then Dr. Jeffrey Goldberg gave this year’s W. Morton Grant visiting professor lecture entitled “Neuroprotection and Vision Restoration.” After the afternoon academic sessions concluded, the department convened for a celebratory dinner featuring the always highly-anticipated resident sketches.

Left to Right: Kamden Kopani, Naveen Rao, Melina Morkin, Michael Raizman, Helen Wu and Pedram Hamrah.'

Left to Right: Veronica Ton, Shelly Klein, Peyton Hundley, Catharine Choi, JP Gorham, and Sylvia Yoo.

Left to Right: Peter Zhao, Michelle Liang, Jason Szelog, Caroline Baumal, Jay Duker, Andre Witkin.

Left to Right: Michelle Liang, Jeffrey Heier, Tavish Nanda, Peter Zhao, Snowy Liu, Andre Witkin, Jason Szelog, Caroline Baumal, and Jay Duker

Left to Right: Husam Ansari, Ambika Hogue, Dru Krishnan, Brendan Lawson, Sarwat Salim, Susan Liang, and Tom Hsu.

Left to Right: Reza Vagefi, Jeffrey Goldberg, Jay Duker, Laurel Vuong, Tom Hedges, Kamden Kopani and Pedram Hamrah.
Donate to the Ophthalmology Teaching Fund!
The Ophthalmology training program at NEEC is exceptional because we support our residents every step of the way. We embrace the challenge of improving education, but many initiatives require funding. Your help is vital in maintaining and elevating the strong reputation of NEEC Alumni. Please click here to support our trainees.
- Thomas Hedges, MD – From the Archives at NEEC
- Andre Witkin, MD – Research Spotlight
- Sylvia Yoo, MD – Departmental Spotlight
- Melina Morkin, MD – Special Features
- Vicki Chen, MD – Ophthalmology Teaching Fund Column
- Astrid Werner, MD – Editor
- Laurel Vuong, MD – Editor